
Struggling with French grammar? Learning French makes your children feel frustrated? I'm here to help you! J'aimerais vous aider et retrouver du plaisir à apprendre le français:)

CUHK Math First Class Honour, 7As in HKCEE, 7 year experience Tutor in IB, GCE/IAL, AP, IGCSE, DSE, Tutor of IB 45/45 achievers AND Cambridge elites

提供澳洲簽證,移民資詢及協助其申請簽證服務 I assist people who wish to apply for a visa to trap or to remain in Australia on a temporary basis, as well as people seeking to migrate to Australia permanently.
A商業 / 顧問Astra Virtus

香港本地中樂表演團隊,為你一站式提供專業的節目籌委和演奏家,為你度「心」訂造美好的音樂經驗。 歡迎查詢 : 9039-2718 黎小姐

本人有7年消防工程經驗, 工程繪圖經驗已達10年, A0 builder's work drawing 可於3-4天起貨, 熟手as-fit 畫圖仔, 有數單屋宇署572order 改善消防系統繪畫圖則經驗, 唔會無交帶
j商業 / 消防joelau.journey

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

Shmile Design是一個充滿年青活力,富有創造性、能為客戶提供專業、可靠且富有創意的設計的團隊, 能為客戶的企業形象提供獨特貼心的設計, 如包裝設計、美國及澳洲AS SEEN ON TV包裝設計、玩具包裝設計、商標設計、書刊、宣傳單張、產品攝影、眼鏡產品設計、咭片設計等等 不斷為客戶提供嶄新及令人印象深刻的設計, 為客戶提供最好、最用盡心思的設計,細心聆聽客戶的需求,為每一個客戶提供最優質
設計 / 平面設計Shmile Design

Violin & Music Theory Teacher (age 6 or above) 小提琴及樂理女老師,教學對象:6歲-中年(粵語/英語/普通話授課),有多年的教學與演出經驗,英國班戈大學音樂學士畢業,主要學術研究⽅向為音樂表演、音樂教育、現代古典管弦樂⾳樂作曲和電影音樂。Contact no:95687345

Martson Calligraphy Art The beauty of Chinese Calligraphy Art 代客寫字 代刻印章 紀念禮品 批發零售 結婚禮物 畢業禮物 歡迎預訂 Tel :61393820 (whatsapp)
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝墨尚書藝工房 Martson Calligraphy Art

浩刺青联盟位于深圳市罗湖区东门步行街越港商业中心二楼 擅长各类风格的纹身 联络微信:as7030 联系电话:13632576484
美容 / 紋身及穿環浩刺青联盟

Chinese marketer helps corporations to engage customers fb.com/imaginehour [email protected]
商業 / 翻譯Japanese_Korean

A Brazilian paste products company is planning to add some Chinese food products to expand their business,and open for joint venture opportunity with Hong Kong company .The plan are the following fo
商業 / 顧問雷先生

Router management is critical to your enterprise network. As networks become more complex, technology has evolved to become far more sophisticated and carry out several important tasks that keep commu

中英文翻譯及校對服務( Chinese & English Translation & Proofreading Services)
F商業 / 翻譯Freddie Chan

本人大學畢業於英國時裝設計學院, 操流利中英文, 可雙語教學。I studied Bachelor of Art (Honours) Fashion Design in United Kingdom. I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese, I can lecture bilingual.

中英文翻譯及校對服務(Chinese English Translation Proofreading Services) 大學程度,擁有多年商業文件及網站翻譯經驗。誠意為中小企及學生們提供中英文翻譯或文章校對修改工作服務 : 專業翻譯 : 商業文件及書信。 產品介紹及說明書。 商業建議書及合約。 大學論文及大專功課。 餐廳餐牌。 註 : 法律文件另議。 服務範圍 : 商業文件及書信。 網
c商業 / 翻譯chankwonghong3

I am a British Chinese tutor currently studying Medicine at HKU and am hoping to teach in Hong Kong; I can also coach your interview skills should you wish to apply for medicine at HKU.
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

本人擁有手袋設計18年經驗,特別擅長真皮/PU/印花布料女裝手袋,歡迎電郵([email protected])或whatsapp(97817049)查詢 I have over 18 years of experience as a Handbag Designer, especially on fashion handbags.

Since 1830, Queens and Empresses of the world are impressed of the perfume creation of the famous perfumer Edouard Pinaud, even appointed him as the official supplier. 男女,寵物皆宜。法國香水配調師的百年品牌
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